How to Move Heavy Furniture

How to Move Heavy Furniture

May 18, 2020

Whether you’re moving a single item or a whole home of possessions, moving heavy furniture can be a challenge. Wondering how to move heavy furniture? Here are some top tips to help make moving heavy furniture easier.

Make a Plan to Move Heavy Furniture

Give time and attention to planning when it comes to moving heavy furniture.

  • Make an inventory of all the heavy furniture in your home.
  • Think about how these items will fit inside your moving truck, if applicable. Heavy items should usually be placed at the back of the truck and around the sides.
  • Move the biggest, heaviest items first.
  • Have plenty of people available to help you lift and move heavy items.

How to Move Large Heavy Furniture

The size of the furniture is another key factor when it comes to moving it. Large, heavy furniture it often more difficult to move due to its bulk making it awkward to get a grip on and lift, as much as its weight.

The key to moving large heavy furniture is to have enough people supporting the item to make bulk less of an issue.

It is also important to think about how you will move large, heavy furniture in order to prevent injury. Remember to:

  • Ensure a clear path is available for you to move each item before you begin.
  • Bend at your knees to avoid hurting your back.
  • Use your shoulders rather that your forearms to move heavy furniture – keeping items close to your body will make lifting easier.
  • Try not to twist your body or make abrupt movements that could cause injury. Move slowly and carefully.

How to Easily Move Heavy Furniture

Although moving heavy furniture can be a challenge, there are ways to make moving heavy furniture easier.

An important step is to take apart any furniture that you can – remove drawers, legs and cushions wherever possible.

You can also hire special equipment designed to move large, heavy furniture. This equipment may include:

  • Moving straps
  • Furniture sliders
  • Furniture dollies

Furniture sliders can also help you move heavy furniture without scratching the floor.

How to Move Heavy Furniture Up Stairs and Down Stairs

Moving heavy furniture on a flat level is one thing, but moving heavy furniture up or down stairs poses a whole new challenge. Here are a few tips to make the process of moving heavy furniture up stairs or down stairs easier.

  • Work with at least one other person to move furniture up stairs or down stairs.
  • If you’re lower on the stairs, carry the furniture from the bottom.
  • If you’re higher on the stairs, carry the furniture from the top.
  • Allow the person at the bottom to determine how fast you both move.

Contact Callan and Woodworth Moving & Storage

Need professional moving services or more advice on how to move heavy furniture? Contact Callan and Woodworth Moving & Storage today. From couches to cabinets, we’ll ensure every item is moved safely.

